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Seven habits of excellent work with grantees
There are many important elements to effective philanthropy, but a critical (and sometimes overlooked) element is the human one.
A series of non-competitive cycling rides that are popular
A moderate incline runs towards the foot of Maybury Hill, and down this we clattered. Once the lightning had begun, it went on in as rapid a succession of flashes as I have ever seen.
Budget for the Organization You Want to Be
The goal of the proposed ordinance is to create safe venues for customers and to discourage illegal activities. The governing officials of the City of Oxford will consider the following ordinance at the upcoming meeting(s) of the Board of Aldermen.
Activities in some of your favourite woodlands
The roundabout at South Lamar and Belk will become operational on August. Though the roundabout will be functional and provide access for all directions of travel.
Mokai access in ruahine forest park reopens
The Annual Water Quality Report is designed to provide consumers with information on the quality of the water delivered by their public water system.
Leadership Doesn’t Have to be Lonely
When you’re facing a difficult relationship with a board member or trying to navigate a mission.
Collaboration Opens Largest Sports Performance and Specialty Complex
Unique not only for Ron Scott & Therapy and the Cowboys, but also for the sports performance and healthcare fields overall.
Happy consumption strengthens bonds with brands: Testing images
Happy consumption experiences like increase psychological ownership for brands and products and can influence consumer behavior.